Friday, July 18, 2008

We are a 2 car family again!!!!

Yippee!! We have 2 vehicles again!! We haven't had 2 of our own vehicles since we moved over to the new house!! We have been blessed to have wonderful landlords (aka Jamie's very good friend's parents) who allowed us to use an extra vehicle of theirs until their son ended up needing it... but we have our own! It's an older car that Jamie's other very good friend basically gave it to us, because he didn't want to take the time to get it fixed. But now I have the freedom to go where ever! (Which can be bad) but now the kids and I are not stuck in the house while Jamie has to do what he has to do on the weekends and Jamie no longer has to take the bus home from work and I don't have to take him to West Chester every morning at the butt crack of dawn!! :D Can you tell I am excited! Yeah for freedom! :D

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