"The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. But America - I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there." ~ Barack Obama
The day has come when a Black man can and will be the next President of the United States!! I can't explain the feelings I felt last night as I watched abc announce the projected winner of each state! Then when they announced the next President of the United States would be Barack Obama! It proves that people are sick of the Republican way, the scare tactics, the lets tell them this, so we can get our way and take all of their money and we will live comfortably while the American People struggle! Obama ran a respectful campaign where there were no scare tactics, he focused on the issues, not Sarah Palin's inexperience, or her daughter's teenage out-of-wedlock pregnancy cause those were not the issues affecting the American People. He took the high road when it came out that Palin's teenage daughter was pregnant and said they were off limits and he wishes them well. The McSame/Falin camp allowed people to chant "kill Obama" during their ralling as if they were the foreman of the KKK. Well guess what KKK, a strong Black man IS the next President of the United States! And God will protect him and his beautiful family! God Bless America and it's new First Family!
The day has come when a Black man can and will be the next President of the United States!! I can't explain the feelings I felt last night as I watched abc announce the projected winner of each state! Then when they announced the next President of the United States would be Barack Obama! It proves that people are sick of the Republican way, the scare tactics, the lets tell them this, so we can get our way and take all of their money and we will live comfortably while the American People struggle! Obama ran a respectful campaign where there were no scare tactics, he focused on the issues, not Sarah Palin's inexperience, or her daughter's teenage out-of-wedlock pregnancy cause those were not the issues affecting the American People. He took the high road when it came out that Palin's teenage daughter was pregnant and said they were off limits and he wishes them well. The McSame/Falin camp allowed people to chant "kill Obama" during their ralling as if they were the foreman of the KKK. Well guess what KKK, a strong Black man IS the next President of the United States! And God will protect him and his beautiful family! God Bless America and it's new First Family!
Go Obama! I was crying when he gave his speech. I am excited to see the changes that this country will make!
I didn't make it too the crying stage, but I was tearing up! I was so excited! I was jumping up and down! He will be a great President!
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