Friday, June 27, 2008

Mommy Moment! :\

Ok... so I thought we were past being up all night with Devon but this is not true! Last night, Devon screamed bloody murder when we put him in his crib! He has done this every night this week BUT the other nights, he would cry himself to sleep! Not last night though! He screamed and screamed, so we put him in bed with us and then he wanted to play. He would cuddle with me and then give me kisses and then he would go sit on Jamie and started to box him (that is his newest thing, since seeing Jamie and Milldog box, he thinks he is a boxer). Then he would try and turn on the light and got mad when Jamie moved him. I am so wore out! It is ridiculous! Finally I started to rub his belly to calm him down and gave him some tylenol to help his mouth and he wimpered while I rubbed it and then I went and laid down and he started to cry but was asleep within 5 minutes. Oh, the joys of Motherhood!

1 comment:

Becca and Billy said...

ugh...that does not sound