So it started out a normal day, just a little windy. I remember thinking to myself "man, it's windy out there, I guess it will be a windy day." Then I did some homework and then went to the store. Well I forgot to get some stuff at the store, so I went out and also got gas. Well as I was driving home, over tree branches that had fallen from the strong winds, I started thinking, I need to get home. Side note, as I was driving to the store a second time, the traffic lights up the street went out in front of me. Then Jamie called to tell me the power went out. Well I was driving home and there was a bus in front of me and a tree in front of him split in two and covered the entire side of the street the bus and I were driving on were now covered by a large tree branch... 2 and a half lanes large. The bus and I had to drive into oncoming traffic to get around it. It had landed on a parked car. So then I really knew I had to get home. I had never seen so many brnaches in the road before in my life. So when I got home, Jamie, me and the kids watched tree branches and trees snap in half out of our kitchen window. We also watched out tree sway back and forth and if it had been raining, it surely would have gone and landed on our neighbors Escalade. There is a video below showing the strength of the winds. I wish I would have let it record a little longer. Well, our power came back on at 5:30 the next morning, so we didn't loose any food but my office didn't get power back until Wednesday late evening and the storm occured on Sunday Sept 14 and the babysitter lost power until Sunday at 5:30 pm. She was without power for a whole week! My office has been ssssooooooooooooo busy since the storm up until a few days ago, things are back to normal now.
All the shrub looking stuff below the pine tree is trees snapped in 2
The 2 sections of our fence blew over
Some of the branches that fell from the neighbors yard into our yard.
Don't know if you can see it, but in the middle, you can see a light brown dot,
that is where a branch snapped off
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