Friday, June 27, 2008

Mommy Moment! :\

Ok... so I thought we were past being up all night with Devon but this is not true! Last night, Devon screamed bloody murder when we put him in his crib! He has done this every night this week BUT the other nights, he would cry himself to sleep! Not last night though! He screamed and screamed, so we put him in bed with us and then he wanted to play. He would cuddle with me and then give me kisses and then he would go sit on Jamie and started to box him (that is his newest thing, since seeing Jamie and Milldog box, he thinks he is a boxer). Then he would try and turn on the light and got mad when Jamie moved him. I am so wore out! It is ridiculous! Finally I started to rub his belly to calm him down and gave him some tylenol to help his mouth and he wimpered while I rubbed it and then I went and laid down and he started to cry but was asleep within 5 minutes. Oh, the joys of Motherhood!

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Coping Diet!

Only girlfriends can understand this one. This diet is specially formulated, designed to help women cope with the stress that builds during the day.

1 grapefruit
1 slice whole wheat toast
1 cup skim milk

1 small portion lean, steamed chicken
1 cup spinach
1 cup herbal tea
1 Hershey's kiss

Afternoon Snack
The rest of the Hershey kisses in the bag
1 tub of Hagen-Daaz ice cream with chocolate chips

4 glasses of wine (red or white)
2 loaves garlic bread
1 family size supreme pizza
3 Snickers Bars

Late Night Snack
1 whole Sarah Lee cheesecake (eaten directly from the freezer)

Remember: Stressed spelled backward is desserts.

Send this to four women and you will lose two pounds.

Send this to all the women you know (or ever knew) and you will lose 10 pounds.

If you delete this message, you will gain 10 pounds immediately. That is why I had to pass it on; I didn't want to risk it. :)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Tag... you're it!

So my almost sis-in-law had a post that looks fun and she tagged everyone! So this should be interesting!

Answer the questions below. Google image your answer, then post the first picture that comes up.

Pet name: Honey Buns

Favorite Treat: Reeses Peanut Butter Cups

Place I would like to live: Myrtle Beach

Place I would like to visit: Tahiti
Middle name: Maria
Age: 30 Major: Sport ManagementFavorite vacation: Ireland
Worst habit: biting my nails

This tag is for whoever is bored!! :D

Applebottoms Jeans... Boots with the Fur! Chipmunk Style!

Here are my baby's dance skills! Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Devon's first haircut!!!

As many of you know, Devon has not had a haircut because his Dad didn't want to cut it until he was 2 years old. Devon is 18 months old and has needed a haircut really since he was born. Well Monday evening, we were eating dinner and Jamie said to just take him to Sports Clips to get his haircut. Mom and I looked at each other and said "did you hear that?" Well shortly after dinner, we were at Sports Clips with kids in tow. Blake also got his hair trimmed (it was already short). Devon was very good and Jamie was suprised we didn't have more cut. I just wanted it out of his face and lighter on his neck. But here are some pics of the event. *** for all the sports fans out there, Griffey (Mommy's fav baseball player), got his 600th career homerun moments before we walked in the door to have his hair cut! So Devon got his 1st haircut on a very big day in sports history!!!***

My 30th Birthday!

So this past weekend, I turned the big 3-0!! Here are some pictures from the day... it was a good day!! Also, not show in these pics, my Mom who has been looking FOREVER for a Mother of the Groom dress, finally found one in Cincinnati and she found it on my birthday! So in a way, I got to be part of the wedding process! :D

At the restaurant...
Devon loves his brother!

The presents my man gave me!

At the park with the kids!

Devon after the park!

Devon showing off! 8D

And there was only 12 candles!
Devon tearin' up the cake!

Devon bustin' a move!!

Devon loves to dance!! He has some crazy moves!

Video coming soon.... (hopefully tonight!)